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Vengance was created for all, who desire to have a slim, good-shaped and muscular body, without any unnecessary water holding in the body, which could cause other pro-hormonal compounds. Vengeance contains two great pro-hormonal compounds, which synergically influence the muscles growth, by simultaneous decreasing of water holding. If your goal is to have hard and good-shaped muscles, Vengeance is the best choice of pro-hormones right for you!


SKU: 0015
  • Dosing:

    Created as the food supplement. Consume one capsule twice a day. Wash down with a sufficient amount of water. Do not exceed the dose of 2 capsules within 24 hours. The best results will be achieved in combination with regular workout and high-quality nutrition. After the end of consummation, we recommend to start with Arimi-T for the correct PCT.


    Created for healthy, adult persons. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose and also maximal consummation period (4 weeks). Not suitable for pregnant and suckling women. Not suitable for persons with diabetes, high blood pressure, and liver functions problems. During the consummation of this product, do not consume alcohol and increase the daily intake of fluids. Keep away from children.

    Nutritional information

    • Size of one dose 1caps.
    • Number of doses in one package 60

    Values of one dose                 

    • 4-chloro-17a-methyl-andro-4-ene-3, 17b-diol (Halodrol)25mg*
    • 2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol (Epistane)15mg*

    * daily valie was not determinedOther ingredients: gelatine, milled rice

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