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If you are looking for a product with extreme effects, Savage is the best choice of pro-hormones for you. This magical formula contains the Halodrol, Max-LMG and DMZ. Its component is also the ATD (10 mg), which decreases the risk of any spillover effects. In this regard, you can expect the great muscle growth.


SKU: 0016
  • With Savage starts the new era of pro-hormones. Due to its strength, it can be consumed only by experienced individuals.

    Before you will start any cycle with pro-hormones (PH), do some research and ensure yourself that such cyclical supplements are suitable for you and do not forget on PCT.Halodrol. 4-chloro-17a-methyl-andro-4-ene-3, 17b-diol: is a strong builder of musculature and has the influence on androgenic receptors in the body. Moreover, it positively influences the effects of growth hormone, insulin and IGF.1, by which are maximized effects of these hormones. By connection on androgenic receptors, it improves the synthesis of muscle proteins and supports the hypertrophic state in muscles.Max-LMG 3-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)dien-17-one: is a fast effecting formula for muscles growth. Consumers confirm the growth of musculature already during the first weeks of consummation. Just a few mixtures are stronger than Max-LMG.DMZ. 17b-hydroxy-2a,17b-dimethyl-5a-androstan-3,3'-azine: is unbelievably strong compound for muscles and quality mass growth. 17b-hydroxy has no affinity for aromatization in the body, and so it ensures the gain of muscles without unnecessary water. 

    Thanks to its low androgenic activity it is completely safe. 1,4,6-Androstatrien 3-17-dione is a strong booster of testosterone secretion. The combination of this pro-hormone with other ingredients forms a perfect product determined for the muscles growth.  Dosing:Created as the food supplement. Consume one capsule two or three times a day. Wash down with a sufficient amount of water. Do not exceed the dose of 3 capsules within 24 hours. 

    The best results will be achieved in combination with regular workout and high-quality nutrition. Do not consume longer than 4 weeks. After the end of consummation we recommend to start with the product Arimi-T, as the correct PCT.


    Created for healthy, adult persons. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Not suitable for pregnant and suckling women. Not suitable for persons with diabetes, high blood pressure, and liver functions problems. During the consummation of this product, do not consume alcohol and increase the daily intake of fluids. Keep away from children.

    Nutritional information

    • Size of one dose 1caps.
    • Number of doses in one package 90

    Values of one dose                      

    • 4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1, 4-diene-3-17b-diol (HALODROL)15mg*
    • 13-Ethyl-3-Methoxy-Gona-2, 5(10)-Diene-17-One (MAX-LMG) 30mg*
    • 17b-hydroxy-2a, 17b-dimethyl-5a-androstan-3-one-azine (DMZ) 15mg*
    • 1, 4, 6-androstatriene-3, 17-dione (ATD) 10mg*

    * daily value was not determined

    Other ingredients:  gelatine, magnesium stearate

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