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Anabolic Super Stack
Mass Builder

Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings Per Container: 90

Amount Per Serving:
(METHYLSTENBOLONE) 2,17-dimethyl-5-androst-1-en-17-ol-3-one (6mg)
(DSTEN) 18-Methylest-4en-3-one-17B-ol (25mg)


SKU: 0005

    DSTEN is a reformulated version of SUPER DECA-STEN with more servings per bottle (90 vs. 60) and also contains the additional ingredient of Carbopol which allows for maximum absorption.Methylstenbolone does not convert to an estrogenic metabolite or have any affinity for the progesterone receptor, so estrogen mediated side effects should be virtually non-existent. Methylstenbolone is also one of the most toxic substances available due to its ability to resist metabolization, although anecdotal reports lead us to believe it carries less side effects than superdrol.


    As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule 1 to 3 times per day. For extreme results, consume 2-3 capsules daily. Do not take DSTEN for more than 30 days consecutively. Take at least 90 days off before starting another cycle of DSTEN.

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